Monday, February 23, 2009

11 Records That Made Me The Person I Am Today

Think of albums, CDs, LPs that had such a profound effect on you they changed your life. Dug into your soul. Music that brought you to life when you heard it. Royally affected you, kicked you in the wazoo, literally socked you in the gut, is what I mean. Then when you finish, tag 15 others, including me. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill. Get the idea now?


Questions: Do you like beer? Do you like to party? Do you like to rage?
If you have yet to hear this album then you have not truly raged. This has been one of my favorite albums since its inception. Some haters may say that every song sounds the same, and that's fine. But what those douchers can't understand is that Since the first song is amazing, THEN THEY'RE ALL AMAZING. Get off your high horse and rage to you drop dead. Andrew Wk would have it no other way.


Easily one of my favorite bands (if not my favorite). They hit everything I want to hear. I heard my brother listening to this in his room when I was in 8th grade. I hated it at first because it wasn't Norma Jean. Upon listening to it over and over, I realized how amazing this album is. It has everything the body needs: Heavy parts, ambient parts, complicated patterns, layers of vocals, etc. Progressive rock/hardcore at its finest in my opinion. The drums are my favorite part of this album (as well as all the other bands they have done after this band. The drums are perfect. No matter what). This is one of the only albums I can listen to beginning to end and hear something I didn't the first time; or appreciate something more and more. Grab it if you can, you won't regret it.


This album single-handidly changed my life. Before I was into Zao.... And thats about it. My brother and his friends showed me American Nightmare, and life as I knew it shattered. Wes Eisold wrote THE BEST lyrics for any hardcore band. Ever, and I will stick by that until I am proven wrong. This album was way ahead of its time. Perfect blend of melody and mosh. I don't really know how to describe this record. Just that it is very important to me.


This should be on everyone's list. The record is timeless. Released in 2001, it is still heavier than most metal/hardcore bands out. Converge has been around since 1990 (if my sources are correct), and have never ceased to amaze me since. This band is one of my all time favorites (up there with American Nightmare). The first song Concubine sets the break neck pace for the rest of the album, and geniously bleeds in Fault and Fracture. I can't describe it in words. Listen to it and you'll see what I mean.


The first track off of this album, Moth-Eaten Deer Head, still makes me think the same way I did the first time I heard this record: This sounds so much more creepy an evil than most bands could ever hope to achieve. Some of the most interesting music that I have heard. The Locust have been a staple in my ear since I first heard them. They have evolved so much since their creation, but still sound the same (hard to come by nowadays). If they weren't technical enough, they have become even more techinical. The Locust rules. Fuck what you heard.


This band has members from The Locust and American Nightmare, but sound like niether. This was their first LP (combining two EPs they had released), and the first thing I had heard by them. I thought it was creative and something new to hardcore; and I loved it. Eisold is on the mic, so I knew some great lyrics were going to be forced down my ears. This band/record has been/will be an obsession of mine. I won't stop until I own every peice of everything they have created. I am not even close so far. Some Girls Have All The Fuck...


Combining an EP and a split, this band brought a jazzier face to hardcore. Bringing Justing Pearson (who later became the bassist for The Locust [I told you The Locust were a staple]) on vocals made this amazing. He is very political, but not as upfront and retarded as say Rise Against. The drums make this record as well, bringing in the jazz element. I cannot get enough of this record, and I am glad to have one of the 3000 that were made.


My favorite local band (and very high on my favorites in general). Smoke and Mirrors starts off this EP perfectly. Heavy mosh. Crunchy bass and bending guitar strings submerges this entire record in a pool of.... I dunno... just straight ahead hardcore. Mike Lawson has one of the best voices I have heard (check out Kingshead). He also writes some pretty sick lyrics. RIP Tarpit. WE'LL SEND YOU TO WHATEVER GOD YOU PLEASE!!!


Taking a bit of a turn here. My brother bought this record and insisted that I had heard it before (I hadn't but whatever). This record was the most spiritually charged music I had heard by that point in my life. I layed in my bed with the lights, completely in the dark, and blasted it. No vocals, just progressive ambient music. The song A Poor Mans Memory had me at the brink of tears. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. The song prior to it is titled Have you Passed Through This Night? The beginning has a long monologue from the movie, Thin Red Line. The narrator talks about all the evils in the world and its origins. He contemplates if Humans help the world in anyway (very deep intro to a song. its gets you in the mindset). The drums, once again, are incredible in this song. They build up higher and higher, finally breaking. This is a great album. If you are considering getting any of the records I have mentioned, get this one. It will change you.


My second favorite local band. Easily the most emotionally driven band I have witnessed, and one of the most positive. The entire crowd sings along as one when Resonance played. Everyone felt like one collective soul. Jimmy was an excellent frontman. The 6 songs from the demo have left a paw print on my heart. Resonance left and imprint on my youth. If you wanted to know how I felt when I was a confused 15 year old, listen to Resonance. Dammit, listen to Resonance. If any local band ever got MTV big, I'd put all my money on Resonance. They were amazing, and I miss them.


I couldn't find the orginal demo artwork, so i decided to put up a live photo. These four songs, in my eyes, were the best 4 songs that have ever come out of Va Beach. They are all great guys. Great humor and outlook on life. When dragonsaur played, tons of kids would come, hundreds it seemed, just to have fun, jump off stage, and sing along. They were the epitamy, the Mt. Olympus of fun. I will love this band forever. You better believe this demo will be played at my viking funeral. <3>

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